Brick Up! ( Soffitto Libertini ) 

These are 32 out of 99 majolica bricks I painted for the big project we called “Brick Up!”. 
The artists Chiara Druda, Danny Jorket and me, were called to cover around 15 square meters with about 300 bricks in majolica. The owner wanted a contemporary version of the first ancient and famous ceiling of San Donato in Castelli (Te) Italy, also known as the Cappella Sistina of Majolica. (1615-1617).
We kept from the original the 5-tone palette and the compendium style, typical in ceramic history. Subjects and themes are freely interpretated from the artists and range from patterns to geometric to human and animal figures, nature and so on. It was realized between 2015 and 2017.


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© 2022 by Sara Passamonti

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© 2022 by Sara Passamonti