Lazzaro Art Doesn’t Sleep



So happy to share that I’ve been part of this amazing project, an idea of the artist Laura Mega, and the curator Claudia Pecoraro. 

Lazzaro Art Doesn’t Sleep consists of a group exhibition of works produced during the lockdown. A simultaneous outdoor projection on the buildings of the cities all over the world. A reaction of the world of art to the horrific pandemic we are all facing.
I was part of the artists from Bangkok, and we were projecting from Joyman Gallery in Phra Nakhon.
It has been a 24h of projecting all around the world starting at 23.00/11.00 pm in Bangkok and involving along the way of this very long night Istambul, Riga, Rome, Milan, London, New York, Lima, and Mexico City.


Artists and Cities

New York


For the full video from Bangkok click here!


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© 2022 by Sara Passamonti

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© 2022 by Sara Passamonti