Pure Nature Trek

I designed this logo for a young man whose aspiration is to turn his great passion into his main business. Walking into nature, spending the night in a tent, discovering hidden spots of the territory, all this and much more is Pure Nature Trek. Guiding people in an adventure that will enrich them inwardly and will challenge them physically. 

The request for this logo was to have a bear as the mark.
This animal, other than being wonderful, powerful, and savage, is also the symbol of the Abruzzo region, the actual territory of the activity.
We also discussed choosing to emphasize the physical or mental aspect of trekking.
He decided to push more on the dynamic feeling and energetic side of the travel.

To achieve that, I used a dynamic pose for the bear, gave movement to the text, the same that one feels walking on dirt roads, and picked a bright light green combined with a very almost-black dark one.

Pure Nature Trek
Logotype and applications for a Trekking and Camping professional guide (Italy), 2023. 


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© 2022 by Sara Passamonti

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© 2022 by Sara Passamonti sarapcolmenares@gmail.com