That’s IT - Eat, Be Well, Love Italy


Super excited to announce that I’ve been chosen to be part of a collective exposition in Athens. 
These three are my Illustrations for the exposition. 

On the occasion of the 8th Week of The Italian Cuisine in the WorldMyth Euromed organized this special event sharing with Greek people the Italian special way of loving Food, Life, and Well-being.
Together with me, other four artists, Michele Bruttomesso, Illudio (Chiara Fracella), Maria Mangiapane, and Lucio Schiavon, were involved in sharing their themed art hung outside the Italian Embassy of Athens.

Athens Magazine shared a little space to sponsor the event and used Michele Bruttomesso’s illo for the cover. 

A special thanks for all of this goes to Alberto Cotrona. ︎


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© 2022 by Sara Passamonti

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© 2022 by Sara Passamonti